
Tracking the relevant researches of CADD drug development against COVID-19


9875401  435.913
RB NOA Rings logP


DrugBank ID:



Rivaroxaban is an anticoagulant and the first orally active direct factor Xa inhibitor. Unlike warfarin, routine lab monitoring of INR is not necessary. However there is no antidote available in the event of a major bleed. Only the 10 mg tablet can be taken without regard to food. The 15 mg and 20 mg tablet should be taken with food. FDA approved on July 1, 2011. [DrugBank]


Coagulation factor X (Humans) [DrugBank]


Rivaroxaban is an anticoagulant which binds directly to factor Xa. Thereafter, it effectively blocks the amplification of the coagulation cascade, preventing the formation of thrombus. Rivaroxaban is a unqiue anticoagulant for two reasons. First of all, it is does not involve antithrombin III (ATIII) to exert its anticoagulant effects. Secondly, it is an oral agent whereas the widely used unfractionated heparin and low molecular weight heparins are for parenteral use only. Although the activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) and HepTest (a test developed to assay low molecular weight heparins) are prolonged in a dose-dependant manner, neither test is recommended for the assessment of the pharmacodynamic effects of rivaroxaban. Anti-Xa activity and inhibition of anti-Xa activity monitoring is also not recommended despite being influenced by rivaroxaban. [DrugBank]




2D structures:  

3D structures:  

Docking in target protein

Receptor: Mpro

Docking Site: Catalytic pocket

Ligand: Rivaroxaban

Vina score: -7.7

Off-target analysis based on ligand similarity (Homo sapiens)

Step 1 - Target prediction for Rivaroxaban: SwissTargetPrediction

Tips: Click on the link to jump to the 'SwissTargetPrediction' webserver. Select the species of 'Homo sapiens', and then paste the SMILES of Rivaroxaban in the SMILES input box.

Step 2 - Blind docking for Rivaroxaban: CB-Dock

Tips: Click on the link to jump to the 'CB-Dock' webserver. Upload the structure file of target predicted by 'SwissTargetPrediction' and the 2D/3D structure file of Rivaroxaban to perform blind docking.